Getting started guide

Linking your U-Pass BC to your Compass Card will ensure that you can request your pass each month. Once you've purchased a Compass Card, here's how to link your card to your U-Pass BC:

Request your U-Pass BC

Once your card is linked, go ahead and request your U-Pass BC. Select the month you wish to request, and click “Request”. After a request is made, the system will confirm your eligibility and load a U-Pass BC to your Compass Card.

Monthly Request

Each month, you’ll need to request your pass for the following month. You can request the next month’s pass on or after the 16th of each month.

It can take up to 24 hours for your U-Pass BC to load onto your Compass Card, so please don’t wait until the last minute. If you’d like an email to remind you, set up notifications in your account.

Have other questions?
Check out the FAQ section of the website to get answers.